Home > Education and Training > Institute > Psychoanalytic Training > Adult Psychoanalysis > Adult Psychoanalytic Training > Application Procedures > Evaluation of Applicants > Candidate's Manual > Fee Schedule

Application Procedures

We welcome applications for analytic training at any time during the year. A non-refundable application fee of $250 is due with each formal application. 
The Admissions Committee will carefully review each written application to determine eligibility (see Educational and Clinical Requirements of Applicants for criteria for eligibility).  If eligible to apply, the applicant will be interviewed by three (or more) members of the Admissions Committee to evaluate the individual’s interest in and suitability for psychoanalytic training at this time.
The applicant will be notified about the decision of the Admissions Committee regarding his or her application as soon as possible after the admissions procedure is completed.  From initial application to receiving the decision from the Admission Committee is likely to take a few months.

Application forms may be obtained from the Institute Administrator, Ms. Anne Rodems, by mail, telephone or email. 

The Western New England Institute for Psychoanalysis
255 Bradley Street New Haven, CT, 06510

Telephone: 203.562.2103, 

Email: arodems@wneps.org.


Evaluation of Applicants

If an applicant is eligible to apply, the interviews with members of the Admissions Committee assess the person’s suitability for analytic training. During the interviews, we try to gain a sense of whether the applicant possesses certain character traits and ethical values necessary to become an effective psychoanalyst. These include such attributes as integrity, honesty, maturity, flexibility, and strength of character. In addition, we look for a reasonable capacity for self-observation, self-monitoring, relating to other people, and the ability to maintain proper interpersonal and professional boundaries. By the very nature of what we try assess, these interviews, unlike typical job interviews, are in depth and personal.
On the basis of the written application, letters of recommendation, and the interviews, the Admissions Committee will decide whether or not the applicant should be accepted for training, deferred, or rejected.  Their findings will be presented for final approval to the Education Committee. 


Transfer Applications

Candidates in any institute accredited by The American Psychoanalytic Association may apply for admission to The Western New England Institute for Psychoanalysis. As part of their transfer application, applicants will arrange for their credentials and a summary of the training for which they have received credit to be forwarded by the psychoanalytic institute in which they are candidates to the Administrator of this institute.  The procedure described above in Evaluation of Applicants is then followed.

Candidates' Manual

Upon acceptance, each candidate is provided with a Candidates' Manual, which contains the administrative policies and procedures of the Institute.  The Manual answers many of the procedural questions, which arise in the course of the candidate's study in the Institute and therefore should be read carefully and referred to often. Other clarifications or changes in policies or procedures are frequently communicated by the Education Committee during the course of training and can be discussed with the candidate's advisor who is appointed when the applicant is accepted.


Fee Schedule

Application Fee:    $250 to be included with application form; nonrefundable.
Transfer Fee:        $250 payable upon application; nonrefundable
Matriculation Fee:  $115 payable upon acceptance
Registration Fee:   $150 due at beginning of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years
                $260 due at the beginning of the 5th year and each year of study thereafter
Tuition Fee:          $525 per course, payable on the first day of the trimester
Graduation Fee:    $115 is due upon notification of graduation by the Education Committee

Please note: all fees are subject to change without notice.
Fees for the personal psychoanalysis and for supervision of non-Clinic cases are arranged individually.