Education and Training > Psychoanalytic Training > Adult Psychanalysis > Curriculum > Electives old
Institute > Psychoanalytic Training > Adult Psychoanalysis > Curriculum > Electives
Candidates take electives in the third, fourth and fifth year of classes. Candidates in the Child Analysis Program may, if they wish, take two of these required electives from the Child Analysis Program and the other two from the general electives offered. After the fifth year, candidates must take two electives each year until graduation. Candidates may not repeat electives that they have already successfully completed for credit.
Elective courses vary from year to year and several are offered in any one year. Examples of electives offered in recent years include: Psychoanalytic Process and Technique Study Group, Literature and Psychoanalysis, Clinic Committee, Integration and Differentiation throughout the Life Cycle, On Therapeutic Actions in Psychoanalysis, Choosing Analysands: What Works?, An Introduction to British Kleinian and Independent Schools, Literature and Psychoanalysis: Shakespearean Tragedy, Topics in Kleinian Theory and Technique, The Work of Jonathan Lear, Ph.D., The Body and Psychoanalysis, and The Writings of Hans Loewald.