Home > For Psychiatry Residents and Child Psychiatry Fellows

For Psychiatry Residents and Child Psychiatry Fellows

There are many opportunities to learn about psychoanalysis.  Feel free if to contact us and if you like, you can arrange to speak to someone individually. 

  • Monthly Gathering with Dr. Sidney Phillips
    Dr. Sidney Phillips holds monthly analytic gatherings at his home. Adult psychiatry residents and child fellows meet there for drinks, dinner, and an analytic case presentation by a senior analyst.  Both adult and child case presentations are great opportunities to learn more about psychodynamic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. 
    Contact Dr. Phillips, sidney.phillips@yale.edu for more information.
  • Course on Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
    PGY-III Yale residents who train at the VA Hospital or CMHC take a required course in psychodynamic psychotherapy taught by members of the Western New England Psychoanalytic Society.  Other Yale trainees may also enroll if there is space available.  The course covers concepts such as therapeutic alliance, transference, resistance, interpretation, projective identification, among others.  Readings are suggested for each session.  Each of the instructors will offer clinical material from their own practices.  The course runs for 40 one-hour sessions. 
    The instructors for 2014-2015 are Marshal Mandelkern, M.D., Deborah Fried, M.D. and Oscar Hills.  Contact Marshal Mandelkern, marshal.mandelkern@yale.edu for further details.

  • About Psychoanalysis

  • Personal Analysis
    Some psychiatry residents and child psychiatry fellows find having their own personal analyses during residency or fellowship training to be meaningful and helpful. There are a variety of reasons why a resident or a fellow would consider analysis during training. Personal analysis can be beneficial for longstanding problems with anxiety that may interfere with the capacity to sit with, listen to, and try to understand patients with severe mental illness.  Sometimes such patients can remind us of old painful experiences of our own. Psychotherapy or analysis can help sort out our own difficulties from our patients’ and help keep our clinical work in perspective.
    Analysis can also help with difficulties of self-esteem that can compromise learning, including, for example, problems with receiving criticism from attendings, faculty, or peers. Training may also be a time when residents and fellows begin to explore the possibility of forming lasting partnerships or having children, only to discover that inhibitions and conflicts from the past prevent the deepening or sustaining of meaningful relationships. Analysis is especially useful in helping a person explore these old limitations on pleasure and intimacy towards the goal of leading an emotionally freer and more creative life.
    If finances are not of concern, we can help you find an analyst in private practice with whom you can consult. But neither finances nor time are obstacles to good analytic treatment.

    If you are unable to afford private fees, Western New England has a Psychoanalytic Clinic 
    that offers high quality psychoanalysis at flexible cost. A number of psychiatry residents have been able to manage their schedules during residency to include attending regular analytic appointments. 

    If you would like to consult an analyst-in-training from our Clinic or an analyst in private practice, contact: 

    Rosemary Balsam, M.D.
    Telephone:   203.655.0414

  • Adult Psychoanalytic Training can be undertaken by mental health clinicians who have completed their professional training with some experience in psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

  • Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Training is designed for mental health clinicians who have completed professional training with experience in child and adolescent treatment.

  • Scholar's Training Program  (Education for Scholar's) offers a two year program for graduate students, faculty, and other academic scholars who would like to develop their knowledge of psychoanalysis in order to incorporate it into their work.

  • Seminars in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy provide courses in the theory and technique of psychoanalytically informed psychotherapy for people at many levels of experience in providing treatment or studying psychoanalytic concepts.

  • Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program has started. The goal is to provide a more extensive program in the theory and technique of psychoanalytically informed psychotherapy for people at many levels of experience in providing treatment of studying psychoanalytic concepts. It will include courses and when appropriate discussions of ongoing patients in the students’ work.

  • Continuing Education Courses (Extension Division Courses) are individual courses offered during the year by members of the Society on a vast array of topics having to do with psychoanalysis and applied psychoanalysis. Mental health professionals and trainees, academic faculty and students, and people from many walks of life might be interested in taking one or more of these courses.

  • Scientific Meetings present a lecture and discussion once a month on Saturday afternoons, and may be attended by anyone in the community with an interest in psychoanalytic concepts. Students, trainees, professionals, faculty, and all others are welcome.

  • Annual Symposium is a yearly event held on a Saturday morning with several speakers on a topic related to psychoanalysis and attended by all interested in the community.

  • The Muriel Gardiner Program offers a monthly lecture series on topics in the Arts and Sciences related to psychoanalysis and attended by all interested in the community.

  • Psychoanalytic Research Training is an annual intensive five day program designed for those planning or undertaking research at many levels of experience and expertise who would like to use psychoanalytic concepts, measures, and approaches in their work.

  • Masters in Developmental Neuroscience and Psychoanalysis is a two year degree-program for graduate students held in London and New Haven. Institute and Society members serve as psychoanalytic mentors to these students.

  • American Psychoanalytic Association Fellowship Program provides residents and graduate students with opportunities to be exposed to psychoanalysis at the annual national psychoanalytic meetings or locally.