Education and Training > Psychoanalytic Training > Adult Psychoanalysis > Curriculum > Second Year

Second Year


Psychoanalysis and Human Development:
This course, taught in three trimesters, will follow the various strands of psychic life from infancy to senescence. It will extend the developmental perspective into the various phases of adulthood. Psychoanalytic views of parenthood and the family will be studied. The course will utilize developmentally oriented theoretical writings as well as clinical cases, films, and examples from the literature of normal and abnormal development. As a supplemental and elective experience, arrangements may be made to view developmental examinations and to make direct observations of nursery school children by contacting the relevant faculty. Clinical studies throughout the course will be used to illuminate the whole spectrum of development while shedding light on adaptations of analytic technique to the various stages of development.

Freud III, 1919-1930:
The course begins with the concurrent development of the theory of aggression and the structural theory, proceeds through the reformulation of masochism and the monographs and papers elaborating the structural theory (including anxiety and defense) and ends with a review organized around some major systematizing papers.

Psychoanalytic Theory I:
The first of two courses in psychoanalytic theory, one in the second and one in the fourth year. This seminar builds on and integrates the material from the four Freud reading courses. It provides a summary of the fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis as understood in the American tradition of ego psychology. Concepts such as the unconscious, defense and the formation of psychic structure will be discussed. Structural theory will be reviewed in detail.

Continuous Case Seminar I:
An ongoing analysis, preferably one recently begun, will be presented by a student. Clinical material will be discussed with emphasis on technical aspects.