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Who is a Psychoanalyst?


Even before being trained as psychoanalysts under the auspices of the American Psychonanalytic Association or other psychoanalytic training institutes, psychonalysts have had rigorous and extensive clinical education either as psychiatrists (M.D.), psychologists (Ph.D. or Psy.D.) or social workers (M.S.W. or C.S.W.). Candidates accepted for training at an accrediated psychoanalytic institue also meet high ethical, psychological, and professional standards.

Training consists of classes in psychoanalytic theory and technique, a personal analysis, and the psychoanalysis of at least three patients under the close and extended supervision of experienced analysts.  The total post-graduate training in psychoanalysis takes firve years or more.



From American Psychoanalytic Association
From about psychoanalysis
Copyright 2004