Home > Education and Training > Continuing Education Courses > Courses for 2018-2019 > Continuing Education Online Registration
Continuing Education Online Registration
For registration, information and questions, please fill out this form and click submit.
If you would like to pay on-line, continue with Paypal. You will receive confirmation of payment via email.
If you would like to pay with a check, click submit at the end of this form, but DO NOT continue with Paypal checkout. Return to the continuing education courses page, and click course registration form (pdf). Download and print the form. Fill it out and mail your check with the form to the printed address on the form.
For Questions please contact: Ms. Anne Rodems 203.562.2103 or email Arodems@wneps.org
To Register by mail, please download course registration form (pdf).
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- First Name *
- Last Name *
- DegreeM.D.D.O.Ph.D.Psy.D.M.S.W.Resident (please specify below)Student (please specify below)Trainee (please specify below)Other (please specify below)
- Other (please specify)
- Professtional Setting (please check & specify where appropriate)University (specify department in box below)Psychoanalytic Institute (specify in box below)Hospital (specify departement in box below)Outpatient Setting (specify in box below)Private PracticeOther (please specify in box below)
- Please Use This Space to Specify Department, Institute Name, Hospital, Outpatient Setting or Other
- Address *Street AddressAddress Line 2CityState / Province / RegionZip / Postal CodeCountry
- Phone(###)-###-####
- Email
- Course(s). *Clinical Experiences of Projective IdentificationSex Therapy and Psychodynamic PrinciplesPsychodynamic Perspectives on Once a Week SessionsComparative Approaches to PsychoanalysisThe Creative Analysand: Supporting Patients' Change Efforts CANCHate in the Consulting RoomClinical Work with Gender Nonconforming IndividualsThe Appeal of Tragedy
- Tuition *$ 240- Clinical Experiences of Projective Identification$ 480- Sex Therapy and Psychodynamic Principles$ 240- Psychodynamic Perspectives on Once a Week Sessions$ 240- Comparative Approaches to Psychoanalysis$ 320- The Creative Analysand: Supporting Patients' Change EffortsCA$ 300- Hate in the Consulting Room$ 360- Clinical Work with Gender Nonconforming Individuals$ 650- The Appeal of Tragedy
- CME/CEC $20 PER COURSE for a certificate of creditCME (medical)CEC (social work)
- Please Note: Tuition for residents, students and trainees is $50 per course. Please check:ResidentStudentTraineeFees are not intended to discourage trainees. Please apply to Ms. Wilcox for a fee reduction if you wish to take a course but cannot afford the fee.
- Total Amount *$Dollars.Cents
- Please indicate form of payment: *On-line with PaypalI will download registration form and pay by checkOther (please contact A. Rodems (203.562.2103)
- Questions