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2018-2019 Continuing Education Courses
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Courses for 2018-2019
Clinical Experiences of Projective Identificationthe
Sex Therapy and Psychodynamic Principles
Psychodynamic Perspectives on Once a Week Sessions
Comparative Approaches to Psychoanalysis
The Creative Analysand: Supporting Patients' Change Efforts CANCELLED
Hate in the Consulting Room
Clinical Work with Gender Nonconforming Individuals
The Appeal of Tragedy
Clinical Experiences of Projective Identification
Instructors: Angela Cappiello, MD, PhD; Mary Ayre, MD
Educational Objectives:
-To study the communicative aspects of projective identification, splitting, manic defenses, paranoid-schizoid and depressive positions.
-To discuss how recognizing projective identification in the intersubjective work between therapist and patient may lead to therapeutic action.
-To examine difficult treatment situations pertaining to projective identification and begin to understand the language/communication therein.
Audience: mental health professionals and trainees.
Course Description: In clinical work we often observe the patient’s need to ward off anxieties and impulses and project these split off parts (that cannot be expressed in words) into the therapist. This course will focus on projective identification as a communication with the analyst, and how its difficulties and vicissitudes can lead to therapeutic understanding. We will draw from authors of the British Kleinian school, in addition to Ogden and Bion, to enhance our understanding of clinical experience and how to make use of projective identification in difficult treatment situations.
6 sessions • Wednesdays, 6–8 pm
September 12, October 10, 24, November 7, 28, December 12, 2018
49 Welles Street, suite 216, Glastonbury
Fee: $480 ($50 for trainees)
Sex Therapy and Psychodynamic Principles: How Do They Inform Each Other?
Instructor: Carole T. Goldberg, PsyD
Educational Objectives:
-To increase basic understanding of sex therapy and the importance of providing a therapeutic space for expression of sexual concerns.
-To compare sex therapy practices with psychoanalytic/psychodynamic approaches in therapy to enhance the possibility of incorporating both when useful.
-To increase comfort levels with sexual material for professionals and new ways to assist patients with sexual concerns.
Audience: Mental health professionals and trainees, clinicians, scholars, and others interested in the topic.
Course Description: The course will consist of 5 completed sex therapy cases, treated in a symptom-based sex therapy model, in order to offer possible ways in which psychoanalytic psychodynamic understanding may be beneficial in this method. This would also provide an opportunity to incorporate how some sex therapy approaches may be useful in psychoanalytic/psychodynamic therapy.
8 sessions • Thursdays, 6:30–8 pm
September 27, October 4, 11, 18, 25, November 1, 8, 15
255 Bradley Street, New Haven
Fee $480 ($50 for trainees)
Psychodynamic Perspectives on Once a Week Sessions
Instructor: Ira Moses, PhD
Educational Objectives:
-To apply psychodynamic approaches to once a week sessions.
-To help therapists focus on characterological problems in patients that contribute to their presenting problems.
-To identify barriers to more intensive sessions.
Audience: Mental health professionals and trainees.
Course Description: The financial and scheduling limitations of many patients impel us to apply psychodynamic principles with patients who can only attend sessions once per week. We will explore how to help patients look beyond their symptoms and initial concerns to gain perspective on how their personality issues may contribute to intrapsychic and interpersonal conflicts. We will review such topics as building a working alliance; examining whether frequency limitations are due to resistance (the patient's and/or the therapist's); the effects on treatment of third-party payors (insurance company reviewers, relatives, etc.); and inter-ventions that may help to move work that has bogged down in situational complaints or acting out. Along with readings, students will present transcripts of therapy sessions in order to review how detailed listening may provide opportunities to deepen the work.
4 sessions • Wednesdays, 7–8:30 pm
September 26, October 3, 10, 17 2018
255 Bradley Street, New Haven
Fee $240 ($50 for trainees)
Comparative Approaches to Psychoanalysis
Instructor: Stephen Atkins, PhD, MD
Educational Objectives:
-To understand different seminal approaches to psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.
-To understand the implications of these approaches when listening to patients.
-To understand the implications of these approaches when intervening and interpreting with patients.
Audience: Mental health professionals and clinicians and others interested in the topic.
Course Description: We will examine and compare the approaches of several seminal psychoanalytic thinkers: Paul Gray, Donald Winnicott, Hans Loewald, and Wilfred Bion. What are their respective approaches to psychoanalytic practice and theory of treatment? How are they similar? How do they differ? How are they relevant to psycho-therapeutic practice? Through readings and discussion we will attempt to answer these questions. We will also attempt to understand the same process material from several sessions as each of these analysts might approach it. For what would they listen? How might they intervene? We are not attempting to discern which approach is best, but rather to increase our understanding of how each approach might be helpful and when.
4 sessions • Mondays, 7–8:30 pm
October 22, 29, November 5, 12, 2018
255 Bradley Street, New Haven
Fee $240 ($50 for trainees)
The Creative Analysand: Supporting Patient’s Change Efforts in Therapy CANCELLED
Instructor: George Hagman, LCSW
Educational Objectives:
-To learn to assess the patient’s motivation for and capacity to change.
-To acquire skills which target areas that increase the probability that patients will make change.
-To learn interventions that help to support and sustain patients’ effectiveness and capacity for creative living.
Audience: mental health professionals and trainees.
Course Description: Patients enter psychoanalytic treatment because they are in distress, yet they either do not know what to do or feel unable to make changes. Approaching patients as active partners in the treatment is essential. Yet, despite the advent of relational perspectives which view both parties as participants in the analytic process, psychotherapy patients are often viewed as relatively passive recipients of the therapist’s interventions. Hence much of the workings of therapy remain poorly understood. This workshop demonstrates that it is the patient not the therapist who is the active change agent. By understanding and supporting the patient’s change efforts and capacity for creative living, psychoanalytic therapists can become more skillful and increase the probability of positive outcomes.
4 sessions • Tuesdays, 7–9 pm
March 5, 12, 19, 26, 2019
255 Bradley Street, New Haven
Fee $320 ($50 for trainees)
Hate in the Consulting Room: The Other Inside and Out
Instructor: Lyn Yonack, MSW
Educational Objectives:
-To identify dynamics that structure hate in the individual and in the relationship within the consulting room.
-To understand hate as it appears in the transference/countertransference matrix and how to use such understanding therapeutically.
-To consider hate as it shows up implicitly and explicitly as prejudice, misogyny, racism, and homophobia, within analytic material.
Audience: Mental health professionals and trainees, scholars, and others interested in the topic.
Course Description: Such foundations of identity as gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, and ethnicity help organize a person’s social and psychic life and build bridges in relational and group dynamics. We identify/disidentify: are like/unlike. Oscillation, conscious or unconscious, between identification and disidenti-fication, can foster an “othering” process, whereby another person or group is viewed or treated as intrinsically different or alien. To the degree this dialectic operates defensively and rigidly, it excludes the other from being understood, With the help of Kernberg, Gabbard, Winnicott, D. Moss, K. White and others, we will consider how to understand hate and othering, the better to further the therapeutic process.
5 sessions • Saturdays, 10:30 am–12 pm
March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 2019
255 Bradley Street, New Haven
Fee $300 ($50 for trainees)
Clinical Work with Gender Nonconforming Individuals
Instructors: Lisa Marcus, PhD and Kenneth Marcus, MD
Educational Objectives:
-To develop a working familiarity with current concepts of nonconforming gender identity development.
-To become familiar with current theories of causality and prediction of developmental outcome as well as their evidence base, and with some of the varied developmental pathways which gender variant individuals may travel.
-To become familiar with current clinical approaches to the assessment and treatment of gender nonconforming identity development in children and adults, with associated special problems and controversies.
Audience: Mental health trainees or professionals interested in clinical work with individuals with nonconforming gender identities.
Course Description: How do we approach thinking about nonconforming pathways of gender identity develop-ment? What role do, and should, mental health professionals play in these individuals’ efforts to seek self-understanding and potential gender affirming medical intervention? What clinical considerations should we have in mind? The study of gender provides a window through which fundamental aspects of human nature can be examined: the nature of identity and of human development; the interaction of biologic, psychological, and social
causality; the complex relationships of mind and body, nature and nurture; and the relation of gender identity and sexual orientation. The way in which these issues inform the clinical encounter makes work with gender nonconforming individuals especially complex and rich. Through selected readings and clinical material offered by class participants we will examine some of the issues that arise in work with gender nonconforming individuals and their families. Particular attention will be given to the challenges presented by the assessment and
treatment of young children in the context of their families. Controversies will be addressed, as will expectable transference-countertransference developments. Available data involving prognosis and treatment outcome will be reviewed.
6 sessions • Mondays, 7:15–8:45 pm
October 29, November 5, 12, 19, 26, December 3, 2018
255 Bradley Street, New Haven
Fee: $360 ($50 for trainees)
The Appeal of Tragedy
Instructor: Paul Schwaber, PhD
Educational Objectives:
-To study and discuss Shakespeare's plays and other writings concerned with tragedy.
-To apply such understanding to our clinical work with patients.
-To appreciate the centrality of tragedy to life.
Audience: Clinicians, scholars, and students of literature interested in the topic.
Course Description: Aristotle considered tragedy central to the engaging claim that great verbal art has on us. Oedipus Rex was, of course, central to Freud’s thought. We will ponder tragedy as an art form that, through the centuries, has opened usefully—enjoyably, distressingly, and safely—to the mysteries and fascinations of personality, family, politics and culture. With Aristotle’s “Poetics” and Freud’s “Civilization and Its Discontents” as informing texts, and calling upon the group’s collective clinical experience, we will study works by Sophocles, Shakespeare (his great tragedies), Arthur Miller, and John Frayne, to contemplate tragedy’s appeal and illumination.
12 sessions • Thursdays, 7–9 pm
January 24, 31 February 14, 21, 28, March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4, 11, 18
255 Bradley Street, New Haven
Fee: $650 ($50 for trainees)